There are lots of health services on the marketplace today. As a consumer there are any number of benefits, services and products that you can spend your money on. The question that needs to be asked though, is what benefits, services and products will you actually use?
FreshBenies offers great benefits that are easy to use and practical. The benefits they offer can help control your medical cost and ensure you get the best bang for your buck when it comes to you and your family’s health. When used by employers they can help supplement high deductible plans, keeping your employees healthy, wealthy and happy!
And the best part is, the benefits are all accessed and used through an easy to use app!
Here are some of the services:
- Telehealth – If you are not using a telehealth or teledoc service then you should be. 70% of medical issues can be solved over the phone. This not only cuts down on your costs but it allows you to get medical diagnosis and treatment from the comfort of your home. FreshBenies Telehealth is a 24/7 service that boasts a 10-minute average doctor response time. This is a no brainer!
- Doctors Online – If you are like me, you look everything up on the internet. The problem with looking things up on the internet is many times they are not true. When it comes to your health it is not wise to gamble on internet wisdom. With Doctors Online, you don’t have to! Doctors Online is a fast and easy way to get health answers from real doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, dentists, dieticians and more!
- Advocacy – How much will your medical procedure cost? Where can you find a quality provider? Were you billed correctly? Call your personal Advocate to get answers to these questions, negotiate bills on your behalf and more. This benefit can save your money, time and the hassle of dealing with medical bills and insurance claims.
- Prescription savings – If you are blindly paying the price of whatever pharmacy is down the street, you are doing it wrong! Pharmacies that are only a couple of minutes away can differ wildly on price. Use FreshBenies prescription savings to save 46% on average.
FreshBenies also offers the following benefits:
- LifeLock
- Legal Savings
- Pet Care Savings
- Dental Savings
- Vision Savings
You owe it to yourself or your employees to take a look at FreshBenies. All the benefits we have mentioned come in an easy to use app and the services are very affordable (as low as $11 a month.)
Give us a call today to explore FreshBenies for your group insurance policy or for your family.
You can also visit FreshBenies Website today!